LiveStream 5 Administration Guide

Organisation Settings

In this section you can configure a number of global settings that will tailor the system to your organisation.


  • The Organisation name field allows you to set a name for the LiveStream system to use as the web interface title which will be displayed in the administration interface as well as on redirect pages when an end user is denied or prompted to authenticate.

  • The Time zone drop-down allows you to change the system-wide timezone if it wasn't set correctly during the installation process. This is used when recording reporting data and managing time-based policies.

  • This Data pricing value is used to determine the rate at which credit is charged for policies that enforce it. The price is per-gigabyte and can also be customised on a per-policy basis.

  • The YouTube for Schools ID option allows schools to enforce YouTube for Schools can filter out all non-educational videos on policies that enforce it. Learn more about YouTube for Schools and how to sign-up here:

  • The API key is used to authorise external access to certain LiveStream services. If the secrecy of this key is compromised it should be regenerated immediately. If the key is regenerated all external services that integrate with LiveStream must update their settings to match the new one.

    A list of API-enabled services is visible at the bottom of the tab.

Email Settings

LiveStream 5 can notify you whenever there's a problem or notable change to the system's status. Alerts pertaining to disk usage, domain integration status, URL classification service status, licence expiry warnings and software update availability will be sent once per day until the issue is resolved.

User notifications will keep users informed of their quota status, if their policy enforces it. End user email addresses are loaded from your your directory service, if present. To verify whether a user's email address was loaded successfully, go to their user profile in the Users section.

  1. Start by checking the box for each notification type you wish to enable: Admin and/or User notifications.

  2. If you selected admin notifications, enter an admin notification recipient address where all notifications pertaining to the system status will be sent.

  3. (optional) Fill out the SMTP options according to your organisation's email service. Otherwise the system will use a built-in configuration to send notifications from [email protected].

  4. Click the send a test email button to confirm your email settings. If they are correct, your admin notification recipient will receive a test email.

Custom Redirect Messages

Events such as users exceeding their quota or websites being denied will generate a redirect page informing the user of the event. You may supplement the built-in messages to your preference. In the Deny pages tab a list of all of the primary redirection types are displayed, each with a corresponding text box where you can specify a custom message. The following list describes the name of the error message, and the event that would trigger it:

  • Request blocked: This message appears if there is an attempt to view a site that is being blocked by any of the rules in a client’s policy.
  • Quota exceeded: For policies that implement download quota limits. This message appears when a User or Workstation exceeds one of these limits and the outcome is denied access.
  • Credit depleted: For policies that implement credit charging. This message appears when a client’s credit balance has been used up.

Click Save and then navigate back to Setup page. Next up, Authentication Settings.